Thursday, August 24, 2006

So much too Share!!!!

Well where do I start - what a totally awsome weekend I had in Sydney at Kiwi Scraps...........

ALI and DONNA were fabulous and so so inspiring - I am so glad I had the chance to get to meet these girls.

Arrived Thursday after lunch and after getting a very cranky cabbie I checked in and headed straight for the bar where I knew my buddies Lee and Robyn could possibly be hanging out and there we stayed to around 1.00am.

Met the very cool HELEN WILLIAMS and had the best first night chatting. Also chatted with Erica and Roz - found a handbag in our room he he he, hope to catch up again Erica.

Yes classes started early but I was keen keen keen, all the classes we so fantastic I loved them all especially loved Perspective with Ali. That girl is so inspiring still can't believe I actually got the chance to meet Ali and Donna!!

Also got to catch up and meet some extra special girls that I also am really inspiredby:

The wonderful Alison Shearer and Nic Wright and I caught up for extra slow coffee :0).

Met Gloria love this girl just didn't seem to get any classes with you Gloria but hopefully we can catch up again.  Also met the lovely Belinda whom I shared a circle journal with what a nice gal whom did great even though she was missing her little one, ooh and Kaztaz so great to catch up with you again can't wait to catch up again.

Got the chance to meet the totally wicked Freestyler ZINA............. thanks so much for the laughs Zina totally love your work girl.

Had a ball at the Crop - didn't crop at all but enjoyed chatting and taking photo's, met the lovely Maria and add a chance to catch up with the girls from Shop and Crop although not for long (Hope you enjoyed you day on Sunday Sal). AND have some awsome photo's of the Divine Mishell Lancett - how sweet is the lady and funny too!!!!!

Caught up with so many girls I can't keep listing so I will share pics instead - thanks for the best weekend ever girls I will remember forever.


Img_0243 Kiwi_7

Kiwi_8 Kiwi_10

Drills Kiwi_3

Just love all these photo's can't wait to put them on paper.............Kiwi_5 Kiwi_4 


  1. ohh, seeing those pics brings back so many happy memories!! It was so wonderful to see you again, but it was all too quick!! Hope to see you again soon :o)

  2. I can't believe we didn't get any pics together!!
    I'll chalk it up to me being shy. ::winks::
    Next time for sure!! X0X ~g

  3. Great photos, Kylie! Such a fun weekend - was great to meet you!!

  4. Great photos make sureyou send them thru on a disc for me asap.

  5. Awesome pics! Looks like you had a complete ball!! Cant wait to see these pics scrapped!
    Alanna :)

  6. Freestyle, baby, freestyle....LOL!
    It was so awesome to meet you in person!!!!! And look...i found your blog! :) So glad too, cause your work is gorgeous!I loved going to Kiwi and meeting so many cool people and extending my "Scrapping" circle of friends! Can't wait to catch up with you again. (we need more scrapping events, hee hee)
    Z :)
    PS. Can you Pretty plaese send me some of theose great photos, (full size). Cheers!

  7. Hey Kylie,
    It was great to meet you!!!! I wish the weekend did not FLY by !!!! as quickly as it did!!! can't wait to catch up soon!!!

  8. Hi Kylie,
    It was awesome to meet you- I loved you too :)
    I would love some of these pics as well :)when you get a chance if you don't already have it :)
    It was a great time- went all too fast :0
    Love ya
