Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Scrapbooking Again - NO don't beileve a word of it!!!

Well yesterday I spend most of the day preparing classes for the next few weeks, I have my normal Thursday night class, and also a weekend class and have decided to run a children's day in the holidays. Sooo most of my day yesterday was spent preparing the kits.

I have decided to do a little friendship book with the kids as most have not scrapped before I did not see any sense in doing a page for them to take home and put in the draw, hopefully this way I can teach them a few different techniques and use some groovy things so that they then can start scrapping themeselves on a page.

I am off to Sydney on Saturday for a 21st so, I should be able to pick up some bits and pieces there. I will post some photo's soon.

Sunday, June 26, 2005


Today we all had our sports in the one town, which is very rare. So I was able to watch Royce play today. Chelsea played hockey first and played very well onthe wing the team won 2 nil. Then Royce had his first game which they also one and Royce scored two tries and converted, his second game was also against Tumut the boys played great with only nine players, Royce scored two more tries so he had a great day. The I played and we also wn 5 nil so we had wins all round today.(I am sure nan is ready this update :0) )

Sunday, June 19, 2005

A night of CJ's

Last night I spent most of the night and the wee hours of the morning trying to get all my CJ's up to date.

I have finished my Passions & Pleasures CJ and have almost comleted my 'What's in a Handbag" Chelsea just loved Sally D's CJ which I am already a part of so with Sally's permisson I am doing this topic in my CJ group with the Scrappit girls. Hopefully tonight I will get them all completed so I can start on my next two classes oh and then there is my Rebecca E stuff I still have not finished and of course my ISC stuff the list really goes on - but I love it!!!!

Passions_pleasures Passions_pleasures_inside_pages Paiions_pleasures_page_1_2_front Passions_pleasures_sign_in Passions_pleasures_title_page


Hockey_blog_3 Footy_blog_1                       Saturday's are very busy in the Tout household with sport. Royce went off to Temora today to play football and Chelsea and I played Hockey in Tumut. Royce's team had a loss today, Royce scored himslef a try though, Chelsea's team won 5 goals to nil and she played extra well and my Hockey side went up against the top of the ladder side Batlow with only nine players and managed a 2 all draw yipee!!!! David was off in West Wylong working so he missed out today.

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Today I spent the whold day cleaning, first I did the panrty (WHAT A BIG JOB), then the kids play room (EVEN BIGGER) & later  in the afternoon I dedicated my cleaning abilities to my SCRAP ROOM it now looks a million dollars and I can't wait to get in their in start working.

My scrap room was originally a section off our Garage, the was converted into my husband tool room/gym, until one sunday arvo I decided I could turn it into my scrap room. It has been avery log process but has now gone from concrete walls and floors to what I think is a very stylish little scrap room :0)!!!

YIPEEEEE a place of my own. (That's allowed to be messy). I will post some pics later tonight as it won't stay clean for long


This year in sport Royce is 8 but he has to compete against 8yrs and 9 year old boys, so he has a disadvantage this year but an advantage next year apparently it is only in public schools and only happens in this age bracket. Anyhow to compete at PSSA you need to come a place at your local school carnival, Royce came in third after 2 nine year olds so he was the first 8 year old boy home and this qualified him for PSSA. On Tuesday we took Royce over to Harden to run in his PSSA Cross Country, Royce had to run 2km and there were 80 children in his race, there were only a hand ful of 8 year old boys that made it to this level, Royce ran extremely well and cam in 35th place and was the first Gundagai boy home, his friend Sam from South School who is 9 also from Gundagai came 50th they both ran very well and we were very proud of their efforts - WELL DONE BOYS!!!!

Look out next Year :0)

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Yeah go the Mighty Blues - yes just finished watching the State of Origin not sure who was yelling louder me or Royce. He was so excited he had on his NSW Jumper Johns 7 on the back of course. And well he did not dissapoint. What a great role model for young boys to have.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Our Longweekend

Well we have had great longweekend - On Saturday afternoon we went over to Canberra to watch the Canberra Raiders take on the mighty Brisbane Bronco's. Chels is a raiders supporter and Royce was barracking for the Bronco's it was a great game BUT very wet thanks goodness we were under cover. We stayed at my mum's who has been renovating her house (LOOKS FAB!!! Mum and Jo). Sunday morning we went to get some firecrackers and then went out to Gold Creek. It such a fabulous spot out there lots of shops - even a scrapbooking shop and a Quilting shop were I bought some gorgeous fabrics for a little project I am working on. Then Sunday night we had the Hay family out to light some fireworks the kids had a great time running around outside - our fun lasted till midnight and the kids slept in till around 10.00 this morning (YEAH)!!!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Elf Potion

Today I spent the morning with Royce at School helping out as reading mum. I love to go in and see what all the kids are up to. The children have been learning to write procedures and today's was on how to make Elf Potion. The children had to bring the ingredients in from home and I can tell you not one of the Potions was the same.

Royce's ingredients were as follows:

Nutra Grain,Coconut,Vegemite,100's and 1000's,herbs and spices, garden mulch,tomato sauce, washing powder, elf juice and elf dust

Sounds nice I know - but they had fun!!! and I had fun helping.

Off to Wagga tomorrow with my sister - should be catching up on house work but it will keep :0).

Monday, June 6, 2005

computer troubles

Well besides not having the the time this week to be on my computer I am still having major troubles with Telstra, I am now resigned to the fact I am unable to get Broadband anymore and will have to stay with dial up - I am so annoyed with Telstra.

This week has been quite busy with Ballet and School reading, I had Scrap classes on Thursday night and then on Friday my nan and I went to Canberra for the day. My mum, Nan and myself had a great day looking around. I was able to check out some of the scrapbooking stores.

Saturday was sport day, Royce played football against Cootamundra they were beaten 3 tries to one and I went to Tumut to play Adelong in hockey we had a 2 all draw. Chelsea did not play today has she still as Asthma.

Today David had a few of his friends out to watch the Kosta vs Hatton fight a 9.00am start ended in a 7.00pm finish - and I was unable to get anything done around the house, hence no scrapping either.

This week looks to be a little quiter besides the after school routines with dance & sport I am hoping not to have too much on.