Tuesday, October 31, 2006

{Last night of Grey's for a While}

Well I am sitting still in a blubbering mess after watching the last night of my favourite ever show Grey's Anatomy!

Oh I am so sad for Izzy can't believe Danny has died I am devasted he was so cute and I hate that they have taken him out to the show. And ooooh Derek and Meredith thank goodness this is a long long long time coming - I so can't wait for the next season I already have this season coming in the mail can't wait to have it in my hot little hands.

This is the first show in a long long time that I have really not ever wanted to miss, so hence the new video clip :0).

Well this week is a busy week with all the afternoon things with the kids and getting organised to go to Sydney on Friday, can't wait to head to Penerith spending the day shopping on Friday and then Saturday of to Elsie's Class and to Carrie's too - so wish all my buddies were coming with me, this time I am dragging along my mum although she is so keen so it should be great she has never been to anything like this before.

On Saturday I went to my Primary School 125 year reunion got to catch up with some old teachers - BLAST FROM THE PAST that for sure but it was all good and remembered things I had totally forgot about! Saw some photo's that made me laugh and most of all the kids had a great time running around the school yard that I spent so many years in.

Then on Saturday night David and I and David's sister and her partner went to a Italian and Wine night had a great time the food was beautiful and I can't believe I did not wake up with a wine headache, thank goodness as I played my first game of Touch for the season, it was not too hot thank goodness.

Well believe it or not but I have not scrapped for what seems like forever I just have not had the time and I am so busting to create something so stay tuned and thanks for stopping by to check out what I have been up to!!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

{Another year Older}

Well today I turn another year older couldn't wait till I turned 30 now 32 seems a little (people will shout that's not old - when I say it) older but all is good the kids were all excited this morning and David took me out to tea last night as he is back to Sydney later today.

I am off to lunch today with some girlfriends so can't wiat for that always good to catch up and chat witht he girls!!

On other news the worst thing happened on Monday night my 9 year old son royce asked me if Santa Claus was really true - I was devasted totally did not want to tell him that Santa was all make believe I think ever mum wants their children to believe for ever I know I wish he was true... but he is getting older and all the older kids have started at school already telling the littler ones that there is no such thing has Santa little twerps but Royce was really good about it and I told him about the importance of not telling his little sister, so I was really sad for a little while as I just love the surprise look on his face Xmas morning or seeing Santa at the mall or his excitement at leaving out cookies and milk that is gone now so this year will be interesting, I guess.

ON A BRIGHTER NOTE I AM SO HAPPY for my friend Lee who is now a LIMETART GIRL!!!!!!!!!


Check Lee's work and the other Limetart's out here Limetart Designers

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

{Shop and Crop News}

Well have still managed to squeeze in some scrapping for SHOP AND CROP thank goodness and here are some of the Layouts I have created as part of the terrific Design Team @ Shop and Crop!

Recipe Crate_layout_1 Love this Rock cake LO!!!!

Sasha has lots and lots of yummy new products in store now

  • Autumn Leaves Clear Stamps by Rhonna Farrer & Tia Bennett 

  • Autumn Leaves Ephiphany & Rub-ons 

  • Autumn Leaves Designing With Colour 

  • Autumn Leaves Designing with 2007 

  • Cosmo Cricket Wonderland 

  • Heidi Swapp Clear Stamps 

  • Heidi Swapp Bling Words

Go in check out the two New ONLINE WORKSHOPS you won't be dissapointed.......

Have a heap of fun with Evana in a very creative 2 hour online workshop on Friday 10th of November.

You will use a mixture of techniques including stamping, sewing and doodling, and the end result is one very colourful, funky layout! BasicGrey, Heidi Swapp and Queen & Co products are included in the product pack. You will need a single photo (suitable for girls or boys), and a sewing machine is also recommended for this workshop.

So come and have some fun! One session only - register now! HERE


and.............................. on Friday November 24th I will be help ypou create this.


In this workshop I will teach you how to create a very festive door hanger to display this christmas season! BasicGrey, K & Co and Autumn Leaves products are included in the product pack. You also get an 8x8" acrylic page frame to use. You will need a single photo for this workshop.

Come and get festive! One session only - register now!

Monday, October 23, 2006

{Back in the land of Blogging,Scrapping & Chatting}

Well hi to everyone who checks this blog and got sick of no updates he he he!!!

I have been extra busy for now getting my garden read the Open Garden Scheme. Our garden opened on Saturday and Sunday and we had a huge response with over 250 people coming through the gates so that was fantastic  the weekend raised over $1,286 @ the gate takings and lots more with Devonshire tea on both days being popular. We also had lots of yummy cakes and scones and home made sweets and jams for sale so it all was definetly worth the work.

So now I am back on deck ready to scrap again :0)!!!! and catch up on blogs feel so left out and feel like I have missed on heaps :0).

Here are some photo's of my garden if you are interested:



Saturday, October 7, 2006

{One week gone already}

Wow how quick have the School holidays gone practically a week over with already. Must say I do love school holidays know running around, packing lunches, homework etc etc the kids just get to chill out.............

We have been spending lots of time in the garden, the kids have been riding the motorbikes, friends sleeping over so they are having a ball. Yesterday we went to the Oasis Pool centre in Wagga and the kids swam for 3 hours.

I have classes on Sunday and Monday - 20 ladies on Sunday and 26 kids on the Monday so those few days will be busy busy but can't wait. Our horse Just Mambo runs tommorrow in Sydney @ Royal Randwick Race 4 good each way bet :0) I haev decided not to go I have class on Sunday and would be buggered if I went so fingers crossed for MAMBO!!!!

Oooh and finally I got my hands on the season One of Grey's Anatomy so as I type I am watching epiodes.

Last but not least a BIG BIG Congrats to my great friends Nic who has the honour of the latest For Keeps Mag looks great Nic, and I thre are also a few layouts that I have completed of late :0)

Thanks for checking in!



Evanas_style Outdoor_girl