Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to Lee

Happy Birthday to you!!!!

Have a fantastic Day girl - Love you heaps!!!!!!!


Monday, May 22, 2006

Weekend Update

Well had quite a busy weekend - Friday night Royce has Football Training until around 6.00 and Chelsea has Jazz she really loves to dance :0) then it's of to get Take Away tea before the Footy starts on TV.

David arrived home around 7.00 so Royce loves to sit up and watch the Footy with Dad. Me too if the game is a good one!

Chelsea and I on the other hand normally head to the other end of the house to create :0) or Chelsea watches a girly movie while I am scrapping. BUT Friday night I went for a few drinks with the girls - the theme was Tracky pants and uggies and a useless Kitchen utensil - had a great night home before midnight but enjoyed my bottle of red.

Saturday the Children were both playing sport in Gundagai so I finally got to watch Royce play. The team played very well against Harden winning 44 - nil, Royce scored a Hat trick and received a split lip. Chelsea's team also won 2-1. I then headed up to Tumut for Hockey our team won also.

Saturday night was the Cyber crop at SHOP AND CROP and I too did the online Tin class with Alison Shearer, was great night and the girls created some wonderful little tins.

The challenges at the Cyber Crop were great also - a Layout containing Doodling, a Layout using Monochromatic colour ranges, a Layout in 20 min and a Layout using Flowers - so the gallery looks great way to go girls!!!!

Here is my Version of the Tin!!!


Friday, May 19, 2006

A little of what I have been doing

Pic_0026Last Friday the children had there Cross Crounty. Royce ran 2km and Chelsea 1km they both did very well. Chelsea ws the under 7's champion and Royce the Under 8's and 9's Champion. The other little boy's in the photo is Royce and Chelsea's cousins Tate  and Jake. Tate came first in the Under 6's Boys and Jake second, so the kids had a great day and the Tout's ran extra well.

Royce now goes to the next level.

This is my latest layout on Shop and Crop - I love this Urban Lily range, really suits Royce's Motorbike photos.I also enjoyed a great night at the Shop and Crop Online workshop that  Nic Howard - Guest Designer taught on Wednesday Night - thanks again Nic I really love my version.

Urban_lily_layout Nics_online_class                                                               

Tonight I am off to a friend's house for a few drinks should be great have not caught up with the girls for ages, David is on his way home so I can't wait to see him either. Tommorrow is all day action with sports Football, Soccer and Hockey so Saturday's are out out out.

BUT the good news is Saturday night Cyber Crop at SHOP AND CROP and a class with Alison shearer so that will be a great night too - hey come along and join in on all the fun!!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Come along to this Cyber Crop

Shop and Crop is having a Cyber Crop on Saturday 20th May starting at 7.30pm EST  come along and join in all the fun if you can :0)!!!!

There will be challenges and prizes and the very talented S & C Design Team member Alison Shearer will be running a mini on-line workshop as well.

Alison will be making a mini album in a mint tin using the beautiful Crate paper range.

There are two versions - for either a boy and a girl.  Entry to the class is FREE when you purchase a product pack which is only $11.50.

Click here for a link to the BOY pack and here for a link to the GIRL pack.

Here are sneak peaks of Alison's two class samples.Girl_sneak_peak
I hope to see you there.

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

"There Out"

Well after what has been such a long time of watching and praying for good news - David rang me this morning at around 5.45 to say "quick go and turn the television on the Minors are neally out".

Well I jumped out of bed like a flash - I was up until late Sunday night when they first thought they would be reached now what seems like forever for us let alone what these to guys have gone through around 5.59am this morning Todd Russell and Brant Webb walked out of the Beaconsfield mine, 14 days underground the sound of the siren put a lump in my throat that's for sure.

Here see these brave to guys arriving at the Hospital.

I started crying when I saw that lift reach ground level it was so emotional. To see the families rush to these men was just fantastic. All around Australia and also in across the world people have been watching and praying that these two guys would be rescued.

Royce and Chelsea have been asking everyday as soon as I picked them up from school  "Are they out yet Mum" so to see the smiles on their faces this morning watching the TV was just great, thye did not want to go to school.

I have been watching the TV all morning and I was thinking that the last time I experienced something like this was Septemeber 11 - I know it was a totally different situation but I just have not turned the television off.

To see all those mates and co workers form the Guard of Honour for the Ambulance's to go through was unreal and to all those who were involved in such a marathon effort to get these guys out and not only their determination but there courage is just fabulous. I am sure the people of Australia will rembember this that's for sure.

Of course today our hearts also go out to the family of Larry Knight who lost his life in the rockfall on Anzac Day 2 weeks ago.  Todd and Brandt will be two of many work mates to pay their respects today to the Knight family.Russellwebbgettymain

HERE are some details of THESE BRAVE GUYS.......

For seven days the two strapping Tasmanian miners have been pinned together in a steel cage about two metres long, 1.2 metres wide and 1.5 metres high - under tonnes of rock almost a kilometre beneath the surface.

Inside their prison, the temperature is a constant 35 degrees and humid. Nevertheless, they complain of being cold and damp. There is enough air - sucked down into the mine by giant fans - to ease their lungs and moisture around them, perhaps enough to ease a thirst.

There had been stories of the pair licking dirty water dripping down the mine walls, cracking jokes, and asking for the football scores as they wait for their rescuers to break through.

But last night the rescue team passed food and water to the miners through a 100-millimetre PVC pipe. The rescuers were only 15 metres from Mr Russell, 34, and Mr Webb, 37 - but still possibly two days away as they bored through the rocks separating them.


The rescue operation is difficult and dangerous. Teams of between four and six have been working round the clock in 12-hour shifts. To get to the rescue site they have to take a lift 375 metres down, and then a drive along a four-kilometre road that corkscrews steadily down to the 925-metre level. Last night they were expected to resume digging a wider tunnel through possibly unstable rock, culminating in a delicate drilling operation when they finally get close to Mr Webb and Mr Russell.

Saturday, May 6, 2006

{Okay so 5 Things}

Well the lovely Lee has tagged me - my guess is so I will update my BLOG!!!!

things that make me smile: hearing my children's laughter, My husband

5 things I can see on my desk: mess, a mess!, more mess ok seriously Ribbon,Xpress it Tape, Shop and Crop DT stuff, calender

5 things that will keep me busy this weekend: My weekend will be Football and Hockey on Saturday, spending time with family Sunday and Chelsea is having a Grand Opening of her newly renovated (fixed Up and cleaned) Cubby house

5 things I am doing this week: Scrapbooking Classes, Children's Cross Country, scrapbooking, cleaning the house, gardening!!

5 things I said to make someone smile: Royce I am so proud of your Times Table efforts "You are the Maths Man", "Chelsea this Cubby looks like a Princess Palace" :0), "I love you" too my husband, to my hairdresser "I love it - you did a great job yet again" and "thanks for being a great friend" to my friend.

Okay Lee hope this is what you were after :0)

NOW WHO TO TAG how about Melissa:0)

Tuesday, May 2, 2006


Well things have been a tad hectic here - Royc eand Chels returned to School today so I am on track this morning getting the house organised to catch up on some major scrapping CJ's 4 down 2 to go, Design Team stuff for Shop and Crop and I have class on Thursday so I need to get me head down and bottom up.

I do have some things to share - this i sa little of what I have been up to.

SHOP AND CROP ONLINE CLASSESEvanas_frame_class2jpg - check out all the other great Layouts here

Evana's Frame Class

Jaimie's Layout


My Version of the wonderful Sally D's Style of Scrapping - her Grunge Look!!!


AND HERE IS MY ONLINE CLASS which has now finished thanks to all the great girls that joined in totally love all your layouts.
