Well have not posted for ages and ages but am back here typing away again in action - and Keeping Up :0).

Kiwi Scraps has been and gone I had a great time - just love to catch up with all my friends and of course meet new you ones the world of Scrapping has given me so many new friends and I am thankful fo that and to Lee as I lifted this collage from here lo :0) ( she willbe apy tht have finally posted) can't get my SD to work needs to be taken to the Camera Doctor Ihope it is gong to be okay I have a LOT of photo's on it.
The tutors again were very inspiring and the classes too - I have some more unfinished projects but am on a mission to finish them all - at least I keep telling myself that.


I have completed more Mojo challenges and really loving this at the moment - here are a few from recent weeks...
Last Friday was Snake Gully Cup - Gundagai's Biggest Race day and we had a great time - has you will be able to tell from some of these photo's!! After a day @ the races we all head up town to the local pubs this year we went to the Cri has they had ACDC tribute band on outside it was a great night.. again evidence that the night was big lol..
Then on Saturday the kids had Touch Footy in Gundagai. I run on with Chelsea's team and coach Royce's so with a small hangover I was not feeling that special Saturday arvo...We headed down to the Sat Races though after Touch and Royce and his best friend had their photo taken with Luke Ricketson so that really made his day, and Chelsea had ice cream and played with baby cousin Carly.

Oh and we have baby rabbits AGAIN!!!!!!! third batch now yes there is truth in "They breed like Rabbits" every 28 days in fact mmmm not coming back as a rabbit that's for sure. These ones will be little Thumpers we borrowed my sisters rabbit so can't wait to see how they turn out! There is around 9 lots of black so again we can't wait to see what they will be like they grow so fast within 5 weeks they are ready to go to a new home.
So far the kids have sold all of them @$15.00 so they are getting lots of banking money.
And last of all Royce went to the Sydney School Spectacular today left at 7.00am this morning and arrived home at 10.00pm so he is no sound asleep but mentioned that it was great and LOUD!!!