Well after months of planning and organising scrappingclearly made it the very first SIA Trade event to be held in Sydney.
With my car packed to the rafters I headed of Sydney Monday Morning, I met my mum and step dad Joe in Goulburn and headed the rest of the way with them to Homebush. After missing the turn off we finally made it to State Sports centre and our motel.
At around 2.00 we caught up with Alison and Lee and started unpacking the car to get ready to set up the booth. We had awesome help from the guys from Expo Hire and Jo too of course. Alison and Lee my mum and I put the finishing touches on and man I might be bias but the booth looked awesome :0).
I had a huge timber frame made and some swanky curtains, which I had seen and fell in love with on Tracey Keith's Blog. All of the scrapping clearly DT girls contibuted with DT acrylic frames and fabulous acrylic albums.
After a few hours setting up we headed out for tea with Lori and Georgie thanks for a great night girls and to you Georgie for taking us back to the motel. Lori gave me another acrylic album for the booth and O M G it was just AWESOME Lori you are one talented lady I love it -!!!! thank you so much.
Tuesday and Wednesday was spent chatting to some wonderful ladies, we had fun with the make and takes designed by Alison and all the ladies where just blown away with the girls albums. Lee almost overdosed on MUSK Sticks ( thought I would have to hide them from her) :0) .
Jen joined us on Tuesday night for the dinner and of course Jen's class was a hit - the class for the day and totally booked out, so many girls missed out :0(. You can see below why!!!!

My mum had the best time - joining in on all the booths make and takes, and she came home with so many beautiful projects.
Mum, Lee, Alison and Jen thank you all so much I really appreciate all of your help and I had the best time with you guys.
Also a huge thank you to all of my design team girls:
Alison Shearer, Nic Wright, Lee Woodside, Kelly Godwin, Sarah Youde, Jennifer Hall, Maree Clout, Michelle Grant, Lori Field, Belinda McGregor & Ngaire Bartlam - you guys are just awesome and your work is so very inspiring thank you so much.............
Here is a peek at our time @ SIA