Friday, March 30, 2007

{Belated Race Photo's}

Just posting some photo's of the Races a few weeks ago - Just Mambo runs again Easter Saturday, so we are heading down again. Races1_2

Tom_williams_2 The HUNKY Tom Williams who I was able to get an up close and personel peerv :0) while doing Fashions On the Field - now he is as good as he looks!

See if you can Spot any celebrity's below besides Glenn Boss the Jockey who rode our horse :0)Races

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Royce had his first Footy carnival fort he year on Saturday and well it RAINED!!!!! wea re so overdue fo rrain so it ws fantastic.

Royce is in the under 10's the boys had 3 games they played great games for there first games back, they had a win against Tumut, and lost by a goal to Coota on the hooter and to Junee.

Royce played very well and scored 3 tries for the day. This is footy chat after the game !


{where 2 start}

Lots going on and heaps to report :0)

So here goes:

St Patrick's day - Chelsea dressed up in green to Ceclebrate the day with her class @ school

Imgp0110 David and I also had a weekend at the races our Just Mambo raced in the last at Rosehill and yeah he won, so we are heading back down Easter Saturday so that is great, we all know I love to get all dressed up!!!

SHOP AND CROP is currently at 3 and rising check it out @ Scrapbooking TOP 50!!!!!

Lots and lots going on at S&C here is a peek at what I have been up to:


This layout is my version of Fiona' sketch challenge.

I had fun doing this one has I never ever sketch.

Here I cut up my photo and I never do that either so thanks Fiona - I enjoyed doing this one.

And I loved the Urban Lily range Sasha thanks heaps for sending me this to use.

Can really see myself doing more sketches at some stage :0).

This is my Double Layout again I rarley do Double layouts but Double_lothis one was also fun I used my cricut machine to add some extra bits and pieces.

ROYCE TURNS 10  - OMG can't believe my baby as reached double digits 10 years old. How time flies  it just goes so so fast!

Royce had a sleepover with 8 of his mates (I know I must be MAD!!!!!) but they all had a ball and they were very well behaved!



Collage18 David and I and the kids along with my Mum and Joe and David's mum and my AUnt and her boys walked the bridge for it's birthday the atmosphere was unreal and the kids just loved it!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

{How cool is this}

I spent the day on Saturday - doing an online class at Shop and Crop with the very talented Maree Clout.

We made this gorgeous little album - I love it!! Lots of bling and florals and the very yummy My Minds Eye papers.

Here is my version


Friday, March 9, 2007

{FANCY ANY!!!!!!}

ALL New FANCY PANTS biggest range ever you could want  - is now avaiable at Shop and Crop.

so go on over and have a little look - I have been very bad and placed a nice order so I can't wait fo this to arrive here is a FANCY PANTS sneak peek :0)

You won't be dissapointed :0)

Sunday, March 4, 2007

{Winners are Grinners}

Well last night was our local Touch Football Grandfinals.

The team I played in made it through to the A grade women's Final and yipeee we won 2 - 0 was a really good fast game and our girls played really well, I don't have a team shot but I will get one soon :0).

I have played Touch football since 1988 I was in year 8 at highschool and trialed for a school side and was selected ever since I have totally loved the game. Our school team was very successful and went through and won the School Shield twice, after competeing against other major towns from these wins 4 of our team were selected to play in the RIVERINA Schools side which is a massive effort for a small School/town.

                          Here is shot of our team, wish I still looked that young :0)

Touch_1I am last on the right second row :0)

Anyhow over the years I have been lucky enough to have played with lots of my friends and have been in some really great competivite teams amd finals.

Played in teams with school friends and girls that are just great mates.

Teams like Dicko's Dolls my very first team, Moeys, Touty's Tarts, which played for years together, Tucker box Taggers, Lee's Legends, Rick's Chicks, Baldy Badgers, Foxy Family and this year was the Brickettes.

Each year was heaps of fun and it is great being part of a team sport.

I have worked out theat All up I have played in........

13 A Grade Women's Touch Finals and only lost 3.

Which I think is a super effort and everyone of them is a great memory!!!!


1989 A Grade Runners Up

1990 A Grade Premiers

1991 A Grade Premiers

1992 A Grade Premiers

1993 A Grade Premiers

1994 A Grade Runners Up

1995 A Grade Premiers

1996 Pregnant with Royce

1997 A Grade Premiers

1998 A Grade Premiers

1999 Pregnant with Chelsea

2000 A Grade Premiers

2001 A Grade Premiers

2002 A Grade Runners Up

2003 A Grade Premiers

2004 A Grade Premiers

2005 A Grade Premiers

2006 A GRade Premiers

2007 A Grade Premiers


Imgp0057 Unfortunaltey though it seems that if your team is not that good nobody cares but if you team is good most are jealous.

Again this year we were the favoutires BUT only family and friends were barracking for us most wanted us to loose. I guess to others it might not be fun for us to win all year but our team has fun - hey if we loose we loose but if we win that great and were excited and at the end of the day we are just a bunch of great friends playing a game we love, so Congrats to the Brickettes for a successfull year and here is to an even better year next year :0)!!!!

Can't wait- Oh and because we won last night next Friday we are off to Cootamundra which is a town 30 mins from us to play there A grade winners last year they came to Gundagai and we actually won so this year we head over there so I am sure they will be out for revenge - BRING IT ON!!!!!! lol