This is a mega post so much happening so much created and well - I guess thats what happens when you don't blog often enough lol :0).
So here goes...................
The kids have been running around all over the place between Cross Country and athletics they are certain to be very fit so here is a quick run down.
After Royce winning and Chels placing 3rd in the 8/9 girls Schools Cross Country they headed to the hills of Bongongo to compete in the District Cross Country, where they run a true cross country track up hills through creeks and over fences, Royce came 2nd and Chelsea place 3rd they both ran extremley well and gained selection to run at PSSA Cross Country in Wagga.
The kids also had their Schools Athletics Carnival we got an awesome day and the kids did very well Chels was not well but ran a really great heat and final to win the 8 years Girls age race she also broke the record from 1993 so she was happy, she ran a great 200 meters placing 1st in her heat so now she is of to District this Friday to run in the 100m, 200m and the relay.
Royce had a fab day taking out Junior Boy placing 1st in the Longjump, Discus, Shotput, 100m, 200m, 800m and 2nd in the Highjump so yes he is now off to District Friday too.
Royce also broke a record in the Long jump so he was pretty stocked with that to so proud ouf ypu both way to go kids!!!!
Because I was a parent help the only pics I got was of the highjump and afterwards with their kids and their ribbons! and Royce with his Trophy.

Great mail this week got my kit from the very talented Kim Archer who has launched her brand new web site. It is so great and there are so many things . If you haven't already visited check the site out Kim Archer Workshops@ home
Got my package today Kim love it!!!!!
I also received my parcel from Fiskars lots of great goodies to play with I love the new trimmer very snazzy!!! Will share this too very slow uploading today for some reason :0)
As I am now a
I received a fabulos parcel of Fiskars products too I am loving the new trimmer very snazzy I will take a pic and share later!