Yes it has been a busy busy week!
The children had their Athletics carnival on Friday, it was not a bad day Royce and Chelsea both did extremly well. I was a helper most of the day so only managed to get them jumping the High jump.
Chelsea won her 100m age race and her 200m the poor little munckin was sick for most of the day.
Royce also went well he came 1st in the Longjump,Shotput,Discus, 100m age race, 200, 800m and 2nd in the High jump over all he was Junior Boy, so they are both off to the District carnival next Friday.
It is has been quite cold here and the kids have started wearing their winter woollies to school, Chelsea was busting to get her gloves and scarf out!
Tommorrow night I have my 20 Years High School reunion I can't wait to catch up with the all the girls and the guys for some of us it has been a long time - stay tuned for pics!
oops forgot it was a draft lol :0)
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