Wednesday, August 22, 2007

{Character Parade - Book week}

Today the kids had their Character day at school - to celebrate Book Week.

Little red riding Hood (aka) Chelsea Tout and my little pirate Royce.

The kids had fun and the teachers all dress up too so that was fun.

Here is a collage of the day


Other news is that I have created a class for the Mojo Holder the class is  step by step instructions and will be uploading to the mojo blog next week on wednesday 22nd 8pm gmt time which is 11.00 am est.

The class is based on Elsie Flannigan style!

I hope some from down under can join in....its as they say in the UK a stonker of a page  :0) and i cant wait to see how many UK girls will join in also.

This is the mojo's first of many classes and we have lot's more in store @ the mojo so head over and take a peek.... also at this week's challenge.


  1. ME! I'll be joining in I hope!
    jk xx

  2. hey Kylie:)
    Just stopping by to see what's happening...the kids look great in their
    outfits...have a great weekend:)...*fiona*
