What's on this WEEK!!
Well another busy week of course, Monday I am off to Wagga for my monthy Doc appointment Yeah only one more month to go..... and of course Chelsea has Ballet her exams are next Monday so this is her finally week of practise although she is going very well. Royce has running prac tommorrow he is off to Albury for his 100m soon, so he has been training to get his starts right and keeping fit. Tuesday is Ballet again for Chelsea, Wednesday Rouyce has training and Chelsea has Jazz, Thursday Chelsea has hockey training and Friday Royce has Football training. SOmewhere in between this I have to take CHelsea to Wagga to get a fitting for her Flowergirl Dress, pick up my bridesmaid Shoes and get my tickets for the Deb ball I have next at the end of the month!! already have something to wear :0).
On the Scrapping front well I am just a tad busy......
- Am hoping to get a start on my A - Z Album I have all the stuff and my pages worked out in my head.
- I have to prepare for my next class and I always have the following class also completed so the girls know what they are up to.
- There is a new store opening up in Wagga at the end of the month, and I have been asked to teach two classes - so I am also going to get this under contol.
- And last of all an most exciting of all I am involved in a new CJ group
"The Rainbow Journal" the six other very very very talented girls inolved in the CJ are Lee,Nic,Kate,Melissa,Amy & Jane.
My colour is YELLOW and I can't wait to start, this is a colour I would not normally scrap a lot but I am looking forward to it. I have already puled out what I have that is Yellowish :0) quite suprising really of course I have lots of yellow Ribbon, and some really groovy Heidi Grace Letters so it is going to be fun!!
After the mess I had in my studio this weekend I think I best clean up first!!!!.