Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Well our weekend just gone was huge!!!!  Here in Gundagai every November we have a Race meeting called the Snake Gully Cup this is two day weekend with the the Cup on Friday and races again Saturday.

Friday is massive with 1000's of people coming from everywhere, ladies get a chance to dress up and well after the races the crowd heads up town and the streets are packed. We have a baby sitter so the day is childless and such a great day!

Must say I woke up Saturday with a very bad red wine headache, but the weekend was great.

Some photo's of our weekend.

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Have heaps of photo's these are just a few of my favourites. This week is busy with sport swimming, gym, ballet touch etc etc and it is very very hot 43 today and really yucky heat.

OTHER NEWS - my Cricut machine came last week so I have been busy checking it out. I actuall yused it today in Chelsea's Class at school for a craft lessons it so unreal for cutting titles, so stay posted for updates on this :0).

Thanks for checking in!!!!


  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend.
    Have fun playing with your Cricuit. xox

  2. you looked beautiful kylie, email me some of the photos

  3. looks like you guys had a great weekend! you look gorgeous in these pics, kylie! i got my cricut last week too - soooo much fun!!!
