Sunday, September 25, 2005

The EXCITEMENT of it ALL......

Well today Chelsea played in her very first Hockey Grandfinal, oooh I was so proud of her. I have been playing Hockey since I was 6 years old so to see Chelsea in her Uniform lets say I was very proud. Because our town does not have a junior side she plays with the Strykers, Chelsea and Tate another little boy are the yougest in the side and lets say very very much smaller. Although the kids are quite bigger they play very well and there stick and control skills are getting better each game.

Today they WON 6-0 against the Batlow Dreamers and to top the day of Chelsea was awarded the Encouragement Trophy for the Year    YEAH CHELSEA!!!!!   Here are some shots of the day


The C Grade Adelong Strykers

Chelsea and her coach Vanessa


