Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Well we had a great break away in Sydney to celebrate Australia Day!!! The kids had a ball on the boat cruising around the harbour. Watching the Ferry race and F18 flying above was Unreal. That night we had tea on the South Steyne which is anchored permantley at Darling Harbour and we had the best ever view of the Fire Crackers!!!

On the Saturday I got to spent the day shopping (if you know me you know I live to shop) :0) and I got the most cute outfit at Alanna Hill just love it....................

I would like to give you some snaps - but I used someone else's camera so I will have to upload when I get them :0)

I do have some photo's of our trip to the races last week though :0) they are alittle washed out as they are out of the local Newspaper

First Photo is of my mum, me and my Pop and Nan, My pop is the starter at the Horse Races yes he hits the button to open the gates and away they run!!!! has done for over 30 years.

Races This photo is of David's family sister Bronwyn, Brother in law Ian, David, Brendan, sister Fiona, me, sister Deidre,his mum and neice Tahnee all dress up for theRaces!


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